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Energy saving, a challenge for the future

November 2015

Historic partner of timber industries such as carpentry and sawmills; STIVENT INDUSTRIE® has broadened its portfolio of activities over the past fifteen years. The aeronautics, metallurgy, medical, plastics and automotive industries trust us today for their aeraulic projects.

Saving energy today represents a major new issue of which we are fully aware. Maintaining the quality of our products in terms of efficiency and ergonomics while ensuring adequate energy consumption has become a real objective. Meeting this challenge will involve taking into account the limitation of air flow rates, the improvement of filtration systems and the re-use of heated or cooled air.

It is therefore obvious to us that the mastery of thermal techniques will be an evolution of our know-how in order to continue to offer our clients suitable, efficient, and profitable products over the long term.

This vision was able to convince the magazine info entreprise which proposed that we dedicate an article to it in its publication no. 158.

Il est donc évident pour nous que la maitrise des techniques thermiques sera une évolution de notre savoir-faire afin de continuer de proposer à nos clients des produits adaptés, performants et rentables sur le long terme.

Cette vision a su convaincre le magazine info entreprise qui nous a proposé d'y consacrer un article dans leur  parution n°158. Nous vous invitons à en consulter le contenu en cliquant sur le fichier PDF ci-dessous.


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